

1.News・Search for events

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  1. Notice of Inzai Burari River Tour
  2. The 3rd Inzai Furusato Festival Notice of cancellation
  3. Notice of reopening of Inzai City Tourist Information Center
  4. I received a heartwarming message.
  5. The cosmos is in full bloom.
  6. [Photo Contest] Winners of the 32th “Inzai Hometown Discovery Photo Contest”
  7. [Photo Contest] Winners of the 29th “Inzai Hometown Discovery Photo Contest”
  8. [Photo Contest] Winners of the 33th “Inzai Hometown Discovery Photo Contest”
  9. [Photo Contest] Winners of the 30th “Inzai Hometown Discovery Photo Contest”
  10. Light truck market & flea market
  11. 「Inzai Burari River Tour」Operation information
  12. [Photo Contest] Winners of the 31th “Inzai Hometown Discovery Photo Contest”

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